Njega kože ljeti: kako se pravilno zaštititi od UV zračenja

Summer skin care: how to properly protect yourself from UV radiation

Although the sun has its positive sides and most of us love summer, the sun and warm weather also bring with it a whole series of problems. Irresponsible exposure to UV radiation has been proven to be very harmful to health and is responsible for burns, as well as premature aging and skin cancer. With this article, we want to draw attention to the negative effects of UV radiation, ways to protect yourself from its harmful effects and to enjoy the sun responsibly, but also to look back on adjusting your skin care routine in the summer months.

What is UV radiation and how can you adequately protect yourself from its harmful effects?

It is necessary to keep in mind the less beautiful side of the sun and remember the importance of proper and high-quality UV protection of the skin if we are exposed to its harmful effects. Irresponsible exposure to the sun is a health risk, and therefore during the summer the focus of everyone's skin care routine should be protection from UV radiation , i.e. the use of SPF products. SPF stands for sun protection factor, i.e. UV radiation. UVB radiation is responsible for burns and skin cancer, while UVA radiation, which makes up 90-95% of all UV radiation, penetrates deeper layers of the skin and is responsible for accelerated skin aging and the formation of brown pigmentation, as well as skin cancer. 

SPF is expressed numerically, and it is a number that describes how many times more time we can spend in the sun without getting burned, compared to the time spent in the sun without using protection from UV radiation. However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the protection factor describes only the product's ability to protect us from UVB radiation, but not from UVA . If laboratory research has determined that the product also protects against UVA radiation, it will have UVA circled, which means that it is a product that has achieved a legally satisfactory level of skin protection to protect us from a wide spectrum of UV radiation. 

As long as we treat the sun responsibly and protect ourselves with a quality UV protection product, it is very possible to enjoy it. Skintegra Solar I is a moisturizing and reparative fluid with a high protection factor (SPF 30) that contains filters of the latest generation and protects our skin from a wide spectrum of UV radiation. It does not leave a white film and a heavy feeling on the skin, but it is an extremely light fluid that is quickly absorbed.

In addition to the use of SPF, proper protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation also includes monitoring the UV index , avoiding direct exposure to the sun when its rays are most intense , which is 10-4pm in the summer, instead choose to stay in the shade , and it is recommended to wear high-quality sunglasses with lenses that provide 100% protection against UVB and UVA rays, caps or hats with a wide brim, and long and loose clothing made of light and breathable materials.

Skintegra Solar I fluid for sun protection

How to apply SPF correctly?

It is very common for people to apply sunscreen incorrectly, i.e. they apply too little or do not reapply regularly. The correct application of SPF is of crucial importance for sun protection, because by applying it incorrectly, we get significantly less protection than the one promised. 

It has been scientifically proven that 2 mg of UV protection agent should be applied to 1 cm 2 of skin. Practically, the body needs to be divided into 8 parts: head and neck, chest, upper back, lower back, arms, stomach, front of the legs and back of the legs, and apply the amount of product we need to each of these parts to drew a line from the tip of the middle finger to the bottom of the palm. 

What if you get a sunburn?

Sunburns are a very common occurrence, and are manifested by redness, often accompanied by pain, and later by peeling of the skin. If you have suffered burns, the most important thing is to stay out of the sun. The feeling of discomfort can be reduced by applying moist compresses and showering with lukewarm water several times a day. In order to reduce irritation and restore the skin barrier, it is recommended to apply neutral emollients containing ingredients such as panthenol, aloe vera, thermal water, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants . If necessary, in agreement with the doctor, short-term application of local corticosteroids is also possible. It is also very important not to expose yourself to the sun until the skin is completely healed, and not to puncture the blisters and peel the skin while it is peeling. 

The effect of summer on the skin

In addition to the harmful effects of UV radiation and the formation of burns, the sun and warm weather bring with them other problems. The sea and sea salt are generally drying and irritating to the skin, plus the combination of sea water and sweat and SPF which, when mixed with bacteria and oils on our skin, can lead to acne breakouts if you're prone to skin inflammation. The appearance of fungal acne is also possible due to the proliferation of Malassezia folliculitis , which likes a warm and humid environment.

With skin sensitive to the sun, small pimples and red papules that resemble a mosquito bite are common, and this is a reaction to UV radiation or the reaction of the UV filter from the sun protection product to UV radiation. In the background of this skin reaction is photodermatitis, and the best solution is to avoid the sun until the skin calms down and use sun protection products based on zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. 

One of the most common problems caused by summer and UV radiation is melasma . These are brownish spots that are caused by hyperproduction of melanin as a result of damage caused by UV radiation. In order to prevent the appearance and alleviate hyperpigmentation changes, in addition to avoiding the sun and applying products to protect against UV radiation, it is recommended to introduce ingredients that act as melanin inhibitors, such as vitamin C and niacinamide, into the routine.

Skintegra Superba C antioxidant serum

How to adjust your skin care routine in summer?

As we have already mentioned, the priority in the summer skin care routine should definitely be a quality product to protect against the harmful effects of UV radiation, and besides, summer is the period when we recommend using lighter moisturizing textures in exchange for richer ones and avoiding too many layers in the routine. 

UV radiation is one of the factors of oxidative stress, so summer is the ideal time to introduce antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals. We recommend using the Superba C antioxidant serum , which, in addition to 10% vitamin C, contains vitamin E and ferulic acid and gives the skin a beautiful glow. Antioxidant-rich Spectra serum emulsion , which contains green tea extract, caffeine and resveratrol, protects our skin from environmental stressors and hydrates it, without creating a feeling of heaviness on the skin.

If your skin longs for refreshment and hydration, Nectar essence, rich in moisturizers and plant extracts, restores freshness and balance to the skin, and also supplies the skin with antioxidants, protecting it from environmental stressors. 

If you are actively exposed to the sun in the summer, it is recommended to avoid retinoids and acids that have a keratolytic effect and make the skin sensitive to the sun, and instead include bakuchiol from Architect in your routine as an alternative, which treats irregularities such as acne and hyperpigmentation spots, and at the same time has an antiaging effect without to make the skin photosensitive. Likewise, it is important to consult a doctor if you are using topical medications. 


  1. Petersen, Bibi & Wulf, Hans. (2013). Application of sunscreen - theory and reality. Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine. 30.
  2. https://www.skincancer.org/blog/ask-the-expert-does-a-high-spf-protect-my-skin-better/ , accessed 5/6/2022.
  3. https://www.skincancer.org/risk-factors/sunburn/ , accessed 5/6/2022.
  4. https://www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/skin-care-secrets/routine/prevent-summer-skin-problems , accessed 5/6/2022.
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