Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that is manifested by redness of the central parts of the face with papular and pustular changes, as well as hyperplasia of the connective tissue of the skin and sebaceous glands. It is a vascular disorder, which means that it refers to blood vessels and circulation. Rosacea most often affects people over the age of 30, but it can also occur in the early twenties and in the 70s or 80s.
This disease begins with the appearance of redness on the central part of the face, nose and cheeks. The redness is temporary at first, but over time it becomes permanent, and in some patients it spreads from the nose to the cheeks in the form of a butterfly. Dilated capillaries begin to become visible on the skin, and later swelling and thickening of the connective tissue and sebaceous glands appear. Reddish nodules ( papules ) may also appear, which occasionally break out, and sometimes these nodules are filled with pus ( pustules ). This particular form, papulopustular rosacea, can resemble acne, but these changes must be differentiated from them in time because they are not treated with the same products and do not respond to anti-acne treatment. The nose is most affected by these changes, which due to the thickening of the connective tissue and sebaceous glands becomes enlarged, knotted and thickened and takes on a bulbous appearance. This form of rosacea affects almost exclusively men. In addition to the above symptoms, rosacea is also characterized by sensory discomfort (burning, itching, heat, transient or permanent bursts of very intense redness, depending on a number of factors). The skin can be dry or oily and it is wrong to think that rosacea skin is always necessarily dry. We characterize this kind of skin as extremely reactive and sensitive.
Rosacea on the face appears only occasionally at first, later more often. The cause of rosacea is still largely unknown, but it is assumed to be caused by a combination of various hereditary and environmental factors. Certain factors can trigger or worsen rosacea symptoms by increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin.
Some of these factors are hot foods and drinks, overly spicy foods, alcohol, exposure to extreme temperatures, sun and UV rays, stress, strenuous exercise, hot baths or saunas, corticosteroids, and certain blood vessel and blood pressure medications.
About half of people with rosacea also struggle with dry eyes, irritation and swelling, and redness of the eyelids. In some people, symptoms related to the eyes appear first, and rosacea appears on the face only later. Rosacea is most often accompanied by couperosis, the main features of which are dilated capillaries.
Although there is unfortunately no cure for rosacea, there are treatments that can control and reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease. They usually involve a combination of certain medications and certain lifestyle changes. In the long term, it is of great importance to maximally avoid the previously mentioned factors that lead to the progression of this unpleasant disease. Despite the fact that rosacea is not a disease of bacterial etiology, antibiotics that have anti-inflammatory effects are often used in treatment. They can be in the form of tablets or creams, gels or lotions that are used topically on the damaged skin and prevent further spread. Metronidazole, azelaic acid and ivermectin are also often used. Of course, these drugs are taken temporarily and only in consultation with a dermatologist. Ivermectin, along with metronidazole, is an increasingly used conventional therapy because it suppresses the Demodex mite (D. folliculorum and D. brevis) whose two species live within the pilosebaceous units of human skin, feeding on sebum and dead skin cells, and causing an immune reaction in the skin that leads to progression of rosacea symptoms.
Rosacea is a chronic and progressive vascular disease, which unfortunately means that no cream can help it disappear permanently. However, proper skin care and certain cosmetic products that have soothing ingredients can relieve symptoms and will not further irritate the skin if rosacea is not in an acute phase. Choose gentle cleansers without perfume and aggressive surfactants, as well as neutral products for daily care and hydration that have been dermatologically tested on the skin of individuals with sensitive skin. Concrete examples of such products are Spectra and Úna , depending on the type of skin. Spectra is a light serum emulsion that can be used instead of a cream on mixed and oily skin, and provides the skin with daily support and antioxidant protection. Úna, on the other hand, is intended for dry types, soothes skin inflammation, restores, strengthens and nourishes. During the day, the skin needs to be protected with a gentle SPF because UV radiation is a major trigger of inflammatory changes in rosacea skin. All these products can be used as a daily supplement to the prescribed medical therapy.

In conclusion, if you have rosacea, remember that you can keep it under control by choosing the right gentle cosmetics and by avoiding the provoking factors to which the skin reacts by worsening the symptoms. For you is a simple, minimalist skin care routine, without active ingredients, with specially formulated soothing and anti-inflammatory formulations and sun protection.