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How to recognize the stage of skin cleansing

You started using a new product and you seem to have more irregularities than before? It is possible that you are going through a skin cleansing phase, but there is also the possibility of a reaction to the product. Deciphering why there is a sudden increase in the number of acne and comedones, as well as how to deal with them, is often very challenging. That is why today's text is dedicated to how to recognize the difference between these two conditions.

Why does the cleaning phase occur and how to recognize it?

The cleaning phase, known as purging , refers to the reaction to the active ingredient that accelerates the process of cell replacement - peeling off the surface dead layer of the skin. Although some new users of products containing active ingredients such as retinoids, AHA and BHA acids, and benzoyl peroxide notice an immediate improvement and never reach the cleansing phase, most individuals with skin irregularities experience a temporary worsening of comedones and acne, in places where they are otherwise there is , after the initial introduction of some of these active ingredients into the skin care routine.

To begin with, let's look at how acne occurs. A microcomedone, which is not visible to the naked eye, first forms from the clogged pore. It can remain unnoticed for a long time and even disappear, or it can turn into an open comedone (blackhead) or into a closed comedone from which inflammatory acne can easily develop. It can take up to 8 weeks before the microcomedone erupts on the surface of the skin, but the mentioned active substances significantly accelerate the process of skin cell replacement, thus accelerating the life cycle of the comedone, which leads to faster outbreaks of irregularities . The appearance of more blackheads is possible, coming to the surface of the skin, comedones can become inflamed, and the general condition of the skin may initially appear worse than before.

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If you are new to keratolytics, this kind of skin reaction can be very discouraging and confusing, and often leads us to give up before seeing any results. Fortunately, although the duration of the cleansing phase varies from person to person and depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, as well as the severity of the problems it is dealing with, this phase is still only temporary and the skin should become more uniform than before after the initial one to two months of adjustment. of starting to use the product.

How to adjust your skin care routine?

When it comes to the introduction of keratolytics, the number one rule is – slowly and patiently . Considering that these active substances have a very strong effect on the skin, it is important to understand that when introducing them into the routine, the rule of less is more, so the use of smaller amounts, lower concentrations, less frequent use or contact therapy by rinsing after a few minutes can help during adaptation skin to a new product. Another tip worth its weight in gold is – don't combine multiple keratolytics in the same routine.

The road to a clean face can often be difficult and long, but don't give up too soon because your persistence will almost certainly pay off. During the cleansing phase, you can help your skin with a gentle and minimalist approach to the care routine . To clean your face, choose a product like our Amphibian that does not contain irritating and drying surfactants and soaps and will not further damage the skin's barrier protection . It is also important to ensure that the skin remains hydrated by using a soothing serum emulsion or cream, depending on the skin type. Do not forget to protect the skin from the negative effects of UV radiation during the day, as these ingredients make the skin more sensitive to the negative effects of the sun's rays.

How does the reaction to the product differ from the cleansing phase?

In contrast to the cleansing phase, the reaction to the product is not related to the introduction of keratolytics into the routine, but refers to a negative reaction of the skin to an individual ingredient in the product or the formulation of the product . It is important to keep in mind that our skin can react to any product, which does not necessarily mean that its ingredients or formulation are bad, but such a product usually contains something that does not suit your skin individually.

The reaction to the product is characterized by papules and pustules that appear randomly all over the face and are often accompanied by inflammation and redness , and they also appear in places where you normally have no irregularities, where old inflammations are replaced by new ones and the condition only worsens over time . On the other hand, the cleaning phase only accelerates the emergence of already existing, but previously invisible irregularities on the surface after the introduction of keratolytics and passes faster than the classic outbreak. Sometimes it can be very difficult to understand what the skin is trying to tell us, but these guidelines can help you find the answer.


  1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/skin-purging-vs-breakout#summary
  2. https://www.health.com/condition/acne/skin-purging-acne

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