Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by redness (eczema), dry skin and itching . Atopic comes from the word atopy, which describes a hereditary tendency to allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis), and dermatitis means inflammation of the skin. However, if someone has AD, it does not immediately mean that they have an allergy. AD results from dry, sensitive skin caused by a lack of filaggrin, ceramides and lipids in the skin.
Filagrin is a protein in the skin that acts as an adhesive matrix that facilitates the dense packing of keratin fibers in epithelial cells. As the cells change by passing from the deepest to the surface parts of the skin, filaggrin is broken down into peptides, which are broken down by further reactions to natural moisturizing factors, better known as NMF (eng. natural moisturizing factors). By mutation of the gene for filaggrin with a reduced amount of ceramide and lipids, which characterizes atopic skin, the skin barrier is damaged, dry and susceptible to inflammation.
Through a damaged skin barrier, irritants and allergens penetrate the skin more easily, and an inadequate immune response causes an allergic reaction. However, we repeat, atopic dermatitis does not immediately mean that a person has an allergy. In small children, there is often no allergy in the substrate. If there is, the dermatologist recognizes it by the clinical picture and proves it with tests, and the allergen to which the allergy is confirmed is avoided.
Signs and symptoms
Atopic dermatitis usually appears on the face, neck, bends of the knees and elbows, and due to extreme dryness, the skin peels and atopic sufferers have a strong feeling of itching, especially at night. This itching significantly affects the quality of life and sleep, and it often causes scratched wounds that increase the risk of infection. Atopic dermatitis can also be present on the skin around the eyes and eyelids. Symptoms can vary from mild to chronic, they can last for several months, but they can appear continuously and throughout life. They worsen mostly in winter, in conditions of cold and reduced air humidity.

How to alleviate the symptoms and reduce the stages of deterioration?
In addition to the therapy prescribed by the dermatologist, abundant care is very important, including creams with emollients and ceramides, such as our Ú na , which will supply the skin with lipids, prevent the passage of allergens through the skin and reduce water loss from the skin. The use of mild skin cleansers such as dermocosmetic syndets for atopic dermatitis or oil baths will not cause further damage to the barrier. Furthermore, washing should be as short as possible, and the water should not be too hot. After washing, the skin should be gently dried without rubbing with a towel. It is also recommended to wear cotton clothing, avoid wool, use mild, liquid laundry detergents, and avoid nutritional or inhalant allergens, if proven. Last, but certainly not least, is to avoid stress because of its effect on the immune system. The goal of atopic skin care is to normalize the skin barrier, reduce itching and irritation, promote skin healing, regenerate the skin barrier and prevent the recurrence of symptoms.